Marmalade is elite.
Not destroyed
as his loves grows deeper
deeper than roses and sunflowers
the love that can only grow in weeds.
Project Marmalade pending…..
There are photos taken here of someone very special. Those of you with a keen eye might begin to see a pattern of who this person could be, and as I pay for this website and no one reads it anyways I am dedicating this to him, who will remain nameless. we will call him Marmalade. the man I loved more than the world and as any great love story goes he broke my heart on a random Tuesday and I thought I was going to die. The strange thing was as I sat there feeling my heart fall out of my chest (not as bad as it would hurt a few weeks later but I’ll spare you the excruciating details of him moving on after a week…) my hands itched for my camera. The weeks that followed ideas of photos and things I could capture with this new gained perspective flooded my mind, perhaps you could call it a form of distraction.
See film photography is something we shared. Both of us always stood with a camera in hand or in our bag, hundreds of polaroids traded between us throughout our relationship, journal pages filled with our memories. one of the first things that to this day I can remember is us bonding over my 80s polaroid and a love for shooting film, the smile that spread across his face when I told him all my projects. Thats why I, with my whole heart spread across my chest, dedicate this website to him. he showed me so much and taught me so much about photography but more importantly a key model in my best pictures. My style changed from shots of cold streets and faceless people to ones filled with friends and colour. I guess you could say that about my life too. He grew flowers in the darkest parts of me.
So this ones for you handsome. a dedicated project
-from your peanut butter cup.